Minnesota Tax Office Phone Numbers
For Individual Taxpayers – Tax Payer Service Center
MN Individual Income Tax
651-296-3781 or 1-800-652-9094
Automated: 651-296-4444 or 1-800-657-3676
Check status of your refund online
Balance due: 651-556-3003 or 1-800-657-3909
MN Property Tax Refund
651-296-3781 or 1-800-652-9094
Automated: 651-296-4444 or 1-800-657-3676
Check status of your refund online
Use Tax for Individuals
651-296-6181 or 1-800-657-3777
MN Estate Tax
MN Business Income Taxes
MN Sales and Use Tax
651-296-6181 or 1-800-657-3777
Withholding Tax
651- 282-9999 or 1-800-657-3594
Airflight Property Tax
Alcoholic Beverage Tax
Auto Theft Prevention Surcharge
MN Cigarette Tax
Contamination Tax
Controlled Substance Tax
County conservation fee
MN Deed tax
Dry Cleaner Fees
E-Waste Registration Fee
Fire Safety Surcharge
Firefighter Relief Surcharge
HMO Premium Tax
Insurance Premium Tax
Lawful Gambling Tax
Metropolitan Landfill Fee
Mineral Taxes
MN Mortgage Registry Tax
Petroleum Taxes
Property Tax
651-296-4444 (Refunds)
651-556-6091 (Other)
MN Property Tax Administrators
REA Membership Tax
Self-Procured Insurance Tax
Severed Mineral Interest
MN Solid Waste Management Tax
Sports Bookmaking Tax
Surplus Lines Insurance Tax
Tobacco Tax
Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
Untaxed Gambling Product
Wind Energy Production Tax
Business Registration
651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605
Collection Division
651-556-3003 or 1-800-657-3909
Criminal Investigation Division
Taxpayer Rights Advocate
651-297-5195 or 1-800-657-3500
Call 24 hours a day. You can remain anonymous.
- I made a payment plan with the irs, not the state irs. Automatic monthly ACH payments through my bank checking account are made in fulfillment of this payment plan. My bank recently returned my payment due to insufficient funds. But the irs website notes the past payment as still pending.How do I pay this payment I missed so that I can keep my payment plan and not get in trouble with the irs? The only option I get online is to make an additional payment that does not count as fulfilling any of the monthly payments. A) The IRS website indicating the past payment as “pending” is not necessarily… Read more: I made a payment plan with the irs, not the state irs. Automatic monthly ACH payments through my bank checking account are made in fulfillment of this payment plan. My bank recently returned my payment due to insufficient funds. But the irs website notes the past payment as still pending.
- I HAVE A STATE TAX LEVY AGAINST ME BEING TAKEN OUT OF MY CHECK EVERY TWO WEEKS. I AM UNABLE TO AFFORD THE AMOUNT THEY ARE TAKING OUT OF MY CHECK. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA HAS ALREADY TAKEN MY STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES. I NEED HELP STOPPING THIS LEVY.It sounds like you’re facing a difficult situation with a state tax levy. Here’s a breakdown of how to approach this and potential solutions: 1. Understand the Levy 2. Explore Options 3. Gather Necessary Documentation 4. Consider Legal Protections Important Notes: Disclaimer: This information is for general guidance only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. It’s essential to… Read more: I HAVE A STATE TAX LEVY AGAINST ME BEING TAKEN OUT OF MY CHECK EVERY TWO WEEKS. I AM UNABLE TO AFFORD THE AMOUNT THEY ARE TAKING OUT OF MY CHECK. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA HAS ALREADY TAKEN MY STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES. I NEED HELP STOPPING THIS LEVY.
- Can I get 1099-Int and 1099-MISC forms at my local Federal Tax Office?A) No, you cannot typically get 1099-INT and 1099-MISC forms at your local Federal Tax Office. These forms are typically provided to you by the financial institution or other payer responsible for issuing the income. Here’s a breakdown of where you can usually obtain these forms: If you haven’t received your 1099 forms by the end of January, you can… Read more: Can I get 1099-Int and 1099-MISC forms at my local Federal Tax Office?
- I need the Tax IDs of the following.Lee Memorial Health System doing business as Lee HealthThe system has six hospitals, four acute hospitals, and two specialty hospitals.Lee Memorial Hospital – Medicare ID # 000100012Cape Coral Hospital – Medicare ID # 00100244Gulf Coast Hospital – Medicare ID # 00100220 – (Gulf Coast Medical Center)Healthpark Medical Center – Medicare ID # 120005and Two specialty hospitalsGolisano Children Hospital of Southwest Florida (Within Healthpark Medical Center)The Rehabilitation Hospital (Within… Read more: I need the Tax IDs of the following.Lee Memorial Health System doing business as Lee Health
- I need help with my anchor program.I moved ?? Handicapped.A) It sounds like you might be referring to the ANCHOR program, which provides property tax relief for homeowners and renters in New Jersey. If you’ve moved and need to update your information, you can log in to the online filing service and submit a new application by September 15, 2024. If you need assistance due to your disability, you might… Read more: I need help with my anchor program.I moved ?? Handicapped.