California Tax Office Phone Numbers and Information
Federal Income and Payroll Tax (Internal Revenue Service)
- Customer service telephone numbers:
Tax Forms (800) 829-3676 Refund/Tax information (800) 829-4477 General information (800) 829-1040 Employer Identification Number (EIN) (866) 816-2065 Faxback (703) 368-9694 - State Income Tax (Franchise Tax Board)
- Mailing addresses: To find out where to send an income tax return,
- General correspondence:Franchise Tax Board
P.O. Box 942840 - Sacramento CA 94240-0040 Customer service telephone numbers:
Tax information/Refund/Forms (800) 338-0505 Other assistance (800) 852-5711 Out of U.S. (not toll free) (916) 845-6500 - Small Business Liaison:
Telephone (not toll free) (916) 845-4669
State Payroll Tax (Employment Development Department)
- Mailing address:Employment Development Department
PO Box 826880
Sacramento CA 94280-0001 - Customer service telephone numbers:
Toll free number (888) 745-3886 TDD service
Sales & Use Tax, and Other Taxes & Fees (Board Of Equalization)
- Mailing address:State Board of Equalization
P.O. Box 942879
Sacramento CA 94279-0001 - Customer service telephone numbers: Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday, except State holidays, from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Toll free number (800) 400-7115 TDD service from TDD phones (800) 735-2929 TDD service from voice phones (800) 735-2922 Faxback: Call the Information Center (800) 400-7115 Seller’s permit number verification (888) 225-5263
Joint Agency Offices
- You can visit our joint State Taxpayer Service Centers, now available throughout California. These service centers represent more than one tax agency at each location. And if you are a new business owner, you may obtain the California tax information you need to start and operate your business. The walk-in Taxpayer Service Centers are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
City Agencies at This Location Address Bakersfield EDD, BOE 1800 30th Street
Bakersfield CA 93301El Centro EDD, BOE 1550 West Main Street
El Centro CA 92243-2105Oakland FTB, BOE 1515 Clay Street
Oakland CA 94612-1432Sacramento FTB, EDD, BOE 3321 Power Inn Road
Sacramento CA 95826Santa Rosa EDD, BOE 50 D Street
Santa Rosa CA 95404-4791Ventura EDD, BOE 4820 McGrath Street
Ventura CA 93003
- I made a payment plan with the irs, not the state irs. Automatic monthly ACH payments through my bank checking account are made in fulfillment of this payment plan. My bank recently returned my payment due to insufficient funds. But the irs website notes the past payment as still pending.How do I pay this payment I missed so that I can keep my payment plan and not get in trouble with the irs? The only option I get online is to make an additional payment that does not count as fulfilling any of the monthly payments. A) The IRS website indicating the past payment as “pending” is not necessarily… Read more: I made a payment plan with the irs, not the state irs. Automatic monthly ACH payments through my bank checking account are made in fulfillment of this payment plan. My bank recently returned my payment due to insufficient funds. But the irs website notes the past payment as still pending.
- I HAVE A STATE TAX LEVY AGAINST ME BEING TAKEN OUT OF MY CHECK EVERY TWO WEEKS. I AM UNABLE TO AFFORD THE AMOUNT THEY ARE TAKING OUT OF MY CHECK. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA HAS ALREADY TAKEN MY STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES. I NEED HELP STOPPING THIS LEVY.It sounds like you’re facing a difficult situation with a state tax levy. Here’s a breakdown of how to approach this and potential solutions: 1. Understand the Levy 2. Explore Options 3. Gather Necessary Documentation 4. Consider Legal Protections Important Notes: Disclaimer: This information is for general guidance only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. It’s essential to… Read more: I HAVE A STATE TAX LEVY AGAINST ME BEING TAKEN OUT OF MY CHECK EVERY TWO WEEKS. I AM UNABLE TO AFFORD THE AMOUNT THEY ARE TAKING OUT OF MY CHECK. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA HAS ALREADY TAKEN MY STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES. I NEED HELP STOPPING THIS LEVY.
- Can I get 1099-Int and 1099-MISC forms at my local Federal Tax Office?A) No, you cannot typically get 1099-INT and 1099-MISC forms at your local Federal Tax Office. These forms are typically provided to you by the financial institution or other payer responsible for issuing the income. Here’s a breakdown of where you can usually obtain these forms: If you haven’t received your 1099 forms by the end of January, you can… Read more: Can I get 1099-Int and 1099-MISC forms at my local Federal Tax Office?
- I need the Tax IDs of the following.Lee Memorial Health System doing business as Lee HealthThe system has six hospitals, four acute hospitals, and two specialty hospitals.Lee Memorial Hospital – Medicare ID # 000100012Cape Coral Hospital – Medicare ID # 00100244Gulf Coast Hospital – Medicare ID # 00100220 – (Gulf Coast Medical Center)Healthpark Medical Center – Medicare ID # 120005and Two specialty hospitalsGolisano Children Hospital of Southwest Florida (Within Healthpark Medical Center)The Rehabilitation Hospital (Within… Read more: I need the Tax IDs of the following.Lee Memorial Health System doing business as Lee Health
- I need help with my anchor program.I moved ?? Handicapped.A) It sounds like you might be referring to the ANCHOR program, which provides property tax relief for homeowners and renters in New Jersey. If you’ve moved and need to update your information, you can log in to the online filing service and submit a new application by September 15, 2024. If you need assistance due to your disability, you might… Read more: I need help with my anchor program.I moved ?? Handicapped.